• Syaiful Anam Universitas Mtaram
  • Alfian Hdayat Universitas Mataram
  • Zulkarnain Zulkarnain Universitas Mataram
Keywords: Village developmnet, social capital, NTB gemilang, BUMDes, Trade and Distribution Center


Development agendas related to improving welfare in developing countries often face failure. In post-authoritarian Indonesia, the development and policy model patterns are still very elite, centralistic, and clientelist. It even often negates the value of local wisdom as one of the failure’s root causes. This study examines how development programs integrate noble values or social capital as the Development Engine. In the context of village development in NTB, to achieve the vision contained in Governor’s NTB Gemilang Program, the village (Trade and Distribution Center) TDC program is designed, namely the distribution program and Trade Center in the village through the Village-owned Enterprise (BUMDes-Badan Usaha Milik Desa) business scheme. This scheme aims to modernize and digitize the village by fulfilling the basic needs of the village population. This program also is expected to contribute to the village’s domestic income (PADes). However, in the development of BUMDes in Indonesia, this policy model is often distorted for political and development interests that are partial and short-term. This study examines and critically studies the loss of social capital in implementing the TDC program. Modernization and digitalization in the village development agenda, in general, have a good purpose. But it will also damage the values of village Wisdom when development removes an important aspect of existing social capital. Through an exploratory qualitative approach, this study focuses on the pilot project TDC in West Lombok NTB, which implicitly found that social capital is not reproduced in the development agenda because it is deemed as entirely political and elite both in the making and implementation.


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How to Cite
Anam, S., Hdayat, A., & Zulkarnain, Z. (2023). KAPITAL SOSIAL DALAM PEMBANGUNAN DESA: KRITIK TERHADAP PROGRAM TRADE AND DISTRIBUTION CENTER (BUMDES) DI WILAYAH LOMBOK BARAT-PROVINSI NTB. Jurnal Kebijakan Pembangunan Daerah, 7(1), 68 - 84. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.56945/jkpd.v7i1.227