• Yunia Rahayuningsih Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah Provinsi Banten
  • Yana Suharyana Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah Provinsi Banten
Keywords: Quality of Shopping, Basic Services, Education, Banten Province



Sektor pendidikan harus memperoleh perhatian yang khusus sehingga kedepan bisa meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan yang tentunya upaya tersebut bisa di intervensi melalui peningkatan kualitas dan kuantitas belanja pendidikan. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui gambaran kualitas belanja pelayanan dasar urusan pendidikan di Provinsi Banten. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu deskriptif kualitatif. Data didapatkan melalui wawancara, FGD, observasi, dan studi pustaka. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) APBD Provinsi Banten tahun 2016 sebesar Rp 8.811,0 miliyar, belanja urusan pendidikan yang terealisasi hanya sebesar Rp 3.96,35 milyar atau setara 5,7 %, belum terealisasi minimal 20% dari APBD Provinsi Banten; (2) Struktur belanja pendidikan terdiri dari belanja langsung 88% dan belanja tidak langsung 12%. Anggaran lebih banyak terfokus pada anggaran operasional berupa belanja pegawai dan belanja barang serta jasa sebesar 50%, sementara belanja modal hanya sebesar 46% (dari struktur belanja langsung); (3) Ketersediaan sumber daya manusia pendukung pendidikan belum dapat mengakomodir sampai ke wilayah terpencil, dimana rasio guru-siswa untuk SMA 1:18 dan 1: 15 untuk SMK. (4) Ketersediaan sarana pendidikan sekolah menengah agak sulit dijangkau khusus untuk anak usia sekolah yang berada pada kategori tingkat kemiskinan yang tinggi (kondisi ekonomi). Minimnya dorongan orang tua dan lingkungan masyarakat (kultur) untuk bersekolah,  ketersediaan sarana jalan menuju sekolah membuat dorongan untuk partisipasi sekolah menjadi kurang; (5) Kondisi sarana dan prasarana dibeberapa daerah mengalami kerusakan, dan tidak layak digunakan untuk proses belajar mengajar dengan nyaman, juga daya tampung siswa pada sekolah tertentu di beberapa wilayah melebihi kapasitas seperti di daerah yang padat penduduknya. (6) Angka Partisipasi sekolah (APS) berdasarkan kelompok umur 16-18 tahun sebesar 66.73%, Angka Pertisipasi Kasar (APK) sebesar 69,73%, Angka Partisipasi Murni (APM) hanya 55,7 %.

Kata kunci: Kualitas Belanja, Pelayanan Dasar, Pendidikan, Provinsi Banten.



The education sector must receive special attention so that in the future it can improve the quality of education which of course these efforts can be intervened through improving the quality and quantity of education spending. The purpose of this study is to find out the quality of shopping for basic services in education affairs in Banten Province. The research method used is qualitative descriptive. Data obtained through interviews, focus group discussions, observations, and literature studies. The results showed that (1) the Banten Province APBD in 2016 amounted to Rp. 8,811.0 billion, the realization of education affairs was only Rp. 3.96.35 billion, equivalent to 5.7%, not realized at least 20% of the Banten Province Regional Budget; (2) The structure of education spending consists of 88% direct expenditure and 12% indirect expenditure. The budget focuses more on the operational budget in the form of personnel expenditure and goods and services expenditure by 50%, while capital expenditure is only 46% (from the direct expenditure structure); (3) The availability of human resources supporting education has not been able to accommodate to remote areas, where the ratio of teacher-students to SMA 1:18 and 1: 15 is for SMKs. (4) Availability of facilities for secondary school education is rather difficult to reach specifically for school-age children who are in the category of high poverty levels (economic conditions). The lack of encouragement from parents and the community (culture) to go to school, the availability of road facilities to go to school makes encouragement for school participation less; (5) Conditions of facilities and infrastructure in some areas are damaged, and are not suitable to be used for the teaching and learning process comfortably, as well as the capacity of students in certain schools in some areas exceeding capacity such as in densely populated areas. (6) School Participation Rate (APS) based on the age group of 16-18 years is 66.73%, Rough Participation Rate (APK) is 69.73%, Pure Participation Rate (APM) is only 55.7%

Keywords: Quality of Shopping, Basic Services, Education, Banten Province

How to Cite
Rahayuningsih, Y., & Suharyana, Y. (2018). THE QUALITY OF SPENDING OF BASIC SERVICES OF EDUCATION AFFAIRS OF BANTEN PROVINCE. Jurnal Kebijakan Pembangunan Daerah, 2(1), 43-64.